Organize Disk Drive Partition

1. What Is Disk Partitioning? Partitioning creates a logical file structures on your hard disk so as to divide various potions of a hard disk to be used for different purposes such as a dual operating systems, storage or organizational purposes.

2. Why Partition Your Disk? Partitioning your hard disk helps to categorize your files into logical groupings so that you can search for files and make changes more effectively. Folders are made for the same reason too. But partitioning provides better security. a. Security Most default primary partition is the C drive. This is the drive which your operating system and most other software applications are installed in. A useful way of protecting your data is to store your personal information into a separate disk partition. For example, if you are using a 80GB hard disk, you might want to partition it into two drives - drive C & drive D. Drive C will contain your operating system files and software applications such as your Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Acrobat, Antivirus, Photoshop etc. While drive D can be configured as a storage drive to store all your document files, JPEG, MP3 and other personal data. It is understood that your most important files are those that are difficult or virtually impossible to replace. For example, if Microsoft Word would to crash, you can always reinstall the application to make it work again. However, if your document files are corrupted by a virus or worm you may need to spend money and precious time trying to recover your data. In some case, you may not be able to recover them if the damage is too severe. Statistics have shown that most viruses and worms are more likely to infect executable and system files compared to your MP3 or excel spreadsheets. Therefore, if one partition corrupts, only that partition suffers and hopefully not the whole drive. b. Convenience Another reason for storing your document files in a separate drive is the ease of manageability. Say in a scenario which your computer needs to be reformatted due to severe corruption, you can easily reformat drive C and be assured that all your documents in drive D remains intact. This will save you quite a bit of time trying to backup your documents, then restoring them back in your local drive after your computer is reformatted and working. In this way, should you decide to refresh your operating system or application, the stored data is not affected. c. Dual Operating System You may wish to install more than one operating system into your computer. For example you need to a Windows and Linux operating system. But both are unable to be installed in the same partition. By partitioning the disk, you separate two logical spaces to include each individual OS.

3. Evaluating Your Needs Before you start, ask yourself the following questions to help you determine the kind of partitions to create:

1. Do you work more on documents than on software?
2. Does your job require you to install multiple software applications?
3. Does the size of your software exceed that of your documents?

The point here to is to study the ratio space to allocate for each partition. The choice of how you partition your disk is important because it affects both disk performance and efficiency. If you are a designer or sound engineer given a computer with 80GB of disk space, you probably would want to assign 25GB of capacity to your primary disk and 55GB to a secondary drive to contain all your media files. You can always adjust this ratio according to your needs. On the other hand, if you are a software tester or a hardcore gamer you would probably choose to assign 50GB to your primary disk and 30GB to the secondary drive for storage. Again, there is no fixed rule or a standard template and much is directly dependent on your needs and how you operate.

4. Understanding Partitions The master boot record is the first record that resides in your hard disk. It is located at the first sector of the disk and the first program that runs each time you power up your computer. The master boot record contains 2 important structure - the master boot code and the master partition table. Both of which provides instructions and information to how your computer boots up. Due to its structure, a single hard disk is limited to 4 primary partitions. One of it will be assigned as the active partition to contains your operating system. Simply, You can create 4 primary partitions, or 3 primary partitions and 1 extended partition which can be subdivided into multiple logical partitions. For example, you may want to spilt your 80GB disk as follows: „h 40GB primary partition for your OS and software applications „h 10GB for MP3 files „h 15GB for Document files „h 5GB for Miscellaneous files „h 10GB for Archival files So firstly, you create a 40GB primary partition. This will occupy the first of the 4 partitions. Then you can create a 40GB extended partition. And within the extended partition, you create 4 logical partition - 10GB, 15GB, 5GB & 10GB. So the result of this will be a C drive (40GB), D drive (10GB), E drive (15GB), F drive (5GB) and a H drive (10GB ).

How to select the printer

ID: 126
Category: Computers - Hardware
Author: Support
Article:How to select the printer

It is a daunting task to choose a printer without deciding what type you really require. You have to choose between an ink jet and a laser printer. After that you have to decide on the printer size essential for the tasks you require it to accomplish. You have to consider factors such as printer type, size, running costs and price and service availability. There are mainly two types of printers in the market. The laser printers and inkjet printers are the only two choices available in the market. In the laser printer a laser beam is used to print the picture on the drum which is then transferred on to the paper. In the inkjet printer, however, ink is sprayed through tiny jets on to the page forming the image on the page. The difference between the two types of printers is the basic difference in the technology involved in them. Inkjet printers are generally fairly versatile being able to print anything from spreadsheets to brochures to word documents to photos. Inkjet printers are particularly good at printing professional but inexpensive documents on a small quantity. Inkjets are designed to cope with only small print volumes, but they are also far more affordable than laser printers. Another advantage of ink jet printers is that they are usually small and lightweight. Some also come with carry cases for easy portability. Hence they would be optimum for laptops and PDAs and such devices that require printing facilities. Their maintenance is also very easy with its spares readily available. But, in case your requirement is for more advanced print jobs then you should think of buying a laser printer. Laser printers are made to take voluminous workloads and print at a much faster speed. And the quality of the print is far superior to that of the inkjet printer. That is why not only the laser printers cost more but even the consumables of the laser printer are more expensive. Laser printers are portable and can be carried from one place to another. Sometimes they come with their own hard cover carry cases for convenience in shifting them around. The two most popular and readily available printers are the ink jet printers and laser printers. The laser printer uses a laser beam to mark an image on a drum, which then fuses this image to the printer. On the other hand, the ink jet printer sprays ink through tiny jets on to the page without any laser imaging.
Carla Inchiostrona is the owner and operator of FTP a href= Printer /a , a leading Internet directory for printer information. For more printer information and resources, be sure to visit: Article Source: http://www.easyezinearticles.comAuthor

Common Windows XP Errors

By Logan Albright
Experiencing Windows XP errors? You are not alone. For most of us who upgraded to Windows XP from our old days of '98 and even '95, we expected the new operating system to be problem free. I mean the company touted the new upgraded operating system as a more 'efficient' and 'reliable' operating system with newfangled security and safeguard messages that will eliminate those buggy crashes and blue screens that Windows is so famous for.
Of course we all took that corporate marketing with a pinch of salt, as no sooner were we riding on the waves of a new shell, new technology and new possibilities, did we find ourselves in a deep sea of the all familiar blue, followed by the all annoying, siren of the sea 'ding!', that accompanies every other error message on Windows. This article will discuss some of the more common Windows XP errors, and how you can go about avoiding them. Many technical and support forums for Windows XP users list down more than 800 known problems with this operating system and that is a long, long list. I think one of the most common problems anyone will encounter is the infamous Rundll errors.
Till this day, there are more than 318 known rundll errors that run commonly across most platforms using Windows XP. The root of the problem lie in corruptions in the Visual Basics Library, Active X files, Java, device driver signatures and corrupt or missing command lines for programme execution. The second tier of problems lie when Windows updates itself with new security fixes and programme updates, which then will eventually turn into conflicts with existing signature and system core files.
Any install of new hardware or external devices can also lead to common Windows XP errors, which can range to icons missing, explorer hanging and a refusal to shut down. Inevitably, any and all of these problems will result in a global slowdown of the system, which is the most common problem in any platform and computer running any version of Windows. This problem affects the entire family of the Windows range, and is always found to be more of a software problem than a hardware one. Sure, installing innovative software with mismatched hardware will cause specific slowdowns, but build-up of clutter and errors in the computer memory banks and registry will lead to a universal slowdown of all critical systems.
Truth be told, resolving common Windows XP errors is really easier than you might think. All you need to do is get a good PC cleaner or a good registry cleaner. Once you have swept your system areas with a good cleaner and removed all the corrupt and bad data from your registry, you will definitely feel a difference in the speed and responsiveness of your computer. It is all down to maintenance, just like you would your car or your house - ensuring it runs smoothly, and devoid of errors.
Click Here when windows are unable to load registry. Logan Albright helps thousands of people optimize their computers through a proper computer check up. He is an authority on troubleshooting computer problems at
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Keep Away From the Internet Worm

by Joel Gray
Computer users face a multitude of dangerous threats to the security of their computer systems and the safety of personal information that is stored on them. While most people are familiar with computer viruses and malware, the internet worm or email worm are becoming more and more common. This type of computer threat spreads like wildfire, this is due to the worldwide network of personal computers that make up the internet. This network provides the perfect environment for an infection to spread around the world in a matter of a few hours, this in fact has happened several times in the past.
How do I protect myself and my computer?
While some think that putting up with computer security threats is just part of the normal everyday online world, this does not have to be the case at all. Consumers have a number of actions that can be taken to make our online experiences safe and secure, these products will make sure we are not a victim of the newest scumbag virus programmer.
The most important step a computer user can take is to find an effective anti virus program, and to keep it updated on a daily basis. Many of these types of programs come with an auto update feature, if possible you want to make sure that the application you are using has this option. A security program that updates on a regular basis will be able to offer a much higher level of protection from most of the internet worms and email worms that are currently going around.
Another thing that we can do is be very careful opening any emails that come from people that you do not know, many of the viruses and internet worms are spread via emails. Some viruses and worms may require that the email actually be opened, however there are some that all it will take is to view the email in the preview pane or just move your mouse over the link. If you get an email that is from someone you are not familiar with, or an email that looks like it may be dangerous it is best to delete them immediately. And do not ever click a link is an email unless you recognize who it came from.
Sometimes problems will arise due to a security flaw in the software that runs our computers, operating system software is subject to having security holes in them, and software manufacturers are always releasing security patches and updates to combat these problems once they have been identified. Downloading the patches and updates regularly is a good way to keep your computer protected against the latest computer security threats.
These operating system updates can usually be set to run automatically, similar to the anti virus updates. By using the auto update option, you can save you a lot of time and grief, you do not want to have an infected computer because you forgot to run the update.
Using common sense is also a valid defense strategy that can be used to detect and then remove internet and email worms. If you computer starts to run slower that normal, or if there is an increase in pop ups or spam, it is probably a good idea to run a scan on your computer for malware, spyware, viruses, and adware. Being familiar with your computers normal operating tendencies may be the most effective protection against malicious software.
For more information about Spyware and Adware Removal go to Answers About Spyware
If you want to know more about Registry Cleaners just click the link!
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The Importance of Data Centers to Business Operations

By Jack M Patterson
One of the most important parts of a business in the technologically advanced world of today is the data center. These centers house computer systems, storage systems, telecommunications, and more. Also in the center are often forms of environmental control, such as air conditioning to keep the area cool and fire control devices to keep the machines safe and running.
The reason that these centers are so important is that they handle and store much of the data of a number of companies. This data could be operational, business, and customer related.
Some companies develop their own data storage centers in house, but the majority use external companies and systems. This allows the company to focus on running the daily business operations without having to worry about the safety and storage of their data. Some of these centers deal with only the operations architecture of a company; others are more comprehensive.
One of the largest and most common uses of a data center is for offsite data storage. This provides a safe, secure place for the storage of a company's data. The backup services provided by these centers keep the data safe not only from theft, but from fire and flooding as well.
Sending data to the center is often quite easy. While some companies still use backup tapes, many are now using encrypted backups sent over the Internet. With all of a company's data safe within one of these centers, it takes a lot of worry off the mind of the business owners.
The Miami Data Vault is the first and largest center of its kind in Miami. The center has state of the art equipment and is a safe place to house servers and protect all of important information that your company needs secure. They even provide on-site evaluations at no cost or obligation.
Miami Data Vault is one of Miami's premier, hurricane-proof
data centers for the safe storage of all your critical server equipment. For more information on their services, visit or call 305-756-3704 for a free analysis.
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